


How Long Does a Tummy Tuck Scar Last? 4 Ways To Minimize Post-Op Scarring

We talk a lot about how a tummy tuck improves sagging skin, strengthens weakened ab muscles, and eliminates stubborn fat deposits. And while patients frequently ask about the procedure's recovery process, we don't talk quite as much about post-surgical scars. To answer the question right off the bat: You will have a permanent scar after …

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The Center for Cosmetic Surgery

My Breast Lift Journey: Accepting the Scars

The day after my breast lift with augmentation surgery at the Denver-based Center for Cosmetic Surgery, I removed my bra in front of the mirror before a shower. I couldn’t help but feel anxious to see the results from my surgery. The shape was better than I had imagined. The lower pole of my breasts …

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