The Benefits of a Mommy Makeover

Happy Smiling Family

Come May, families across the country celebrate moms of all ages and types. Between the breakfasts in bed and handmade cards, Mother’s Day can also be an important time of reflection for the guests of honor. If you’re a mom, we don’t need to tell you how much motherhood changes you—emotionally … and physically. Although the pervasive attitude is that motherhood is one of the most defining roles of a woman’s life, it’s normal for a mom—any mom—to occasionally think about who she used to be. And this, of course, applies to your body, too.

The mommy makeover in our Denver practice is beloved by moms from all walks of life because it has the ability to gift them with the bodies they enjoyed before pregnancy. When a woman feels good about herself, her confidence can positively affect everyone around her.

What is a mommy makeover?

A mommy makeover is different from other offerings in our clinic because it combines several procedures into a single surgery. It often includes the following:

  • Breast augmentation and lift, to restore volume and perkiness to the breasts
  • Liposuction, to selectively nip away pockets of unwanted fat
  • Tummy tuck, to reduce excess skin on the abdomen and tighten abdominal muscles, if necessary

Personalized for You

Although these procedures are common additions to mommy makeover surgery, they’re by no means your only options. Quite the contrary. The idea behind a mommy makeover is complete customization because every woman’s body changes in different ways. During your initial consultation at The Center for Cosmetic Surgery, your physician facilitates a deep, candid discussion about your primary concerns. You’ll talk about your health history, lifestyle, and plans for the future. Having a complete picture of who you are as an individual can help your surgeon create a surgical plan that’s exactly right for you.

Other Benefits

Another benefit of a mommy makeover is the “one and done” technique. By undergoing multiple procedures in a single surgery, patients can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Reduced cost: 1 surgery means you pay for the anesthesiologist and surgical facility just once vs. paying for these services multiple times. In the long run, patients who undergo a mommy makeover can save quite a bit of money when compared to the cost of “staging” their procedures (that is, undergoing them at different times).
  • One anesthesia event: The combination of procedures during 1 surgery means you only need to undergo anesthesia 1 time to accomplish multiple goals. This adds a level of safety compared to undergoing anesthesia multiple times.
  • Less overall downtime: Recuperating after surgery, even an elective procedure, should not be taken lightly. To avoid complications and get the most from your long-term results, it’s imperative to give yourself plenty of time to rest and recuperate after surgery. (Read this blog post for more recovery tips.) Taking this “rest time” can be tough for busy moms, and can be especially tough if you have to do it multiple times. Because a mommy makeover is many procedures wrapped in a single surgery, you enjoy the benefit of a single recovery period. Once your surgery is complete and your body is fully healed, you can enjoy every new curve of your body with the knowledge that you won’t need to undergo any more procedures to achieve your aesthetic goals.

Visit our Mommy Makeover page for extensive information on this exciting procedure, including illustrations of some of the techniques we use and common questions our patients ask. Like any elective surgery, the decision to undergo mommy makeover is an important one; our team wants you to be fully informed about what the procedure entails so you can make an informed decision.

If you’re ready to move forward or even if you simply have additional questions, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact us through our website, and we’ll get back to you shortly. For inspiration, review our online gallery of before & after photos. Happy Mother’s Day!

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