Category Archives: Dermal Fillers



The Center for Cosmetic Surgery

Treating Thin Lips

It's tempting to size up the popularity of lip augmentation in the Denver area as just another trend passing through Colorado courtesy of the all-too pervasive influence of Hollywood. While there may be some truth to that, it's not the whole truth. Full lips have actually been a sign of beauty and sensuality as far …

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The Center for Cosmetic Surgery

Treating Nasolabial Folds

Unless Mother Nature graced you with plump "baby cheeks" that stayed with you and sculpted your face even as you matured, your prominent nasolabial folds have appeared more recently courtesy of the passing years. These creases, which run diagonally from the corners of your nose to the corners of your mouth, are some of the …

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The Center for Cosmetic Surgery

Treating Perioral Lines

Do you stop yourself from smiling and laughing? Do you avoid whistling, sneezing, and other facial movement? Do you take an umbrella or parasol with you whenever you leave the house? Do you wear a baseball cap or ski mask with your outfit every day-winter, summer, spring and fall? No? Then you probably have fine …

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The Center for Cosmetic Surgery

Treating Marionette Lines

For a relatively small area of the face, the chin can bear more than its share of the effects of the passing years. "Marionette lines" are one of those effects, one with a name that's as unappealing as it is descriptive. Who wants to have deep vertical chin lines that make them look like a …

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