Category Archives: Injectables



The Center for Cosmetic Surgery

Treating Chin Creases

Never have we been more vigilant about our looks than we are today. Most of us strive to stay active and healthy as long as possible, and we want our appearance to be in synch with our hard work. Media attention on baby boomers weathering the passing years contributes and prompts us into all kinds …

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The Center for Cosmetic Surgery

Fillers vs. BOTOX® Cosmetic

By now you've surely heard about injectable wrinkle treatments. And you probably know that BOTOX® Cosmetic is one of the most popular medical spa procedures in the country. But what about all those other injectables you've been hearing about, such as the JUVÉDERM® and Restylane® collections? These products - known as dermal fillers, tissue fillers, …

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The Center for Cosmetic Surgery

Treating Deep Creases and Wrinkles

It happened just the other day. You caught a glimpse of yourself in your car's rearview mirror and saw them: unmistakable lines across your forehead. At first you reminded yourself to stop squinting in the bright Colorado sun. Then you looked more closely and rubbed your fingertips across your brow. Bright sun or not, there's …

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The Center for Cosmetic Surgery

Treating Creases & Brow Furrows

If anyone has ever commented that you look worried, angry, or puzzled when you feel like your normal, happy self, the creases between your brows could be to blame. Those furrows, which we all have to one degree or another, not only broadcast emotions we may not even be feeling, they contribute to our looking …

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The Center for Cosmetic Surgery

Treating Crow’s Feet

Almost everyone has had the experience of suddenly running into someone they haven't seen for a while and thinking, "They look a lot older than they used to look." Unfortunately, the realization that immediately dawns is, "I must look older too." The reason this kind of encounter can be so startling, of course, is that …

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The Center for Cosmetic Surgery

Treating Perioral Lines

Do you stop yourself from smiling and laughing? Do you avoid whistling, sneezing, and other facial movement? Do you take an umbrella or parasol with you whenever you leave the house? Do you wear a baseball cap or ski mask with your outfit every day-winter, summer, spring and fall? No? Then you probably have fine …

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The Center for Cosmetic Surgery

Treating Chin Dimples

Few facial features are viewed more subjectively than dimples, especially chin dimples. In fact, if you spend a few minutes browsing the internet, you'll run across innumerable websites where fans rave on and on about chin dimples. Whose dimple is the biggest? Which celebrity's "butt chin" is the sexiest? You can rant, you can vote, …

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