Breast Augmentation

Best known for beautiful breast augmentation results throughout the Denver metro area, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, and beyond, our plastic surgeons perform this procedure for women who are not happy with their natural breast size or whose breasts have deflated after pregnancy. For women who simply want better body proportions or more symmetrical breasts, there is no need to settle. At The Center for Cosmetic Surgery, our surgeons perform hundreds of natural-looking breast augmentation surgeries per year. In some women, implants alone create beautiful, filled-out breasts. In others, an enhancement with a breast lift (or mastopexy) is necessary to achieve an attractive, fuller shape.

Breast Augmentation
 Before & After Photos


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We would be happy to meet with you in person and answer all of your breast augmentation questions. Our physicians are among the best breast augmentation surgeons in the Denver metro and throughout Colorado. We have 2 plastic surgery offices, including one just outside of Denver in lovely Golden, Colorado, immediately off 6th Avenue West. We also have a downtown office in Cherry Creek, Denver. Please schedule a personal consultation to learn what plastic surgery can do for you. Simply call (303) 278-2600 or request your consultation online.

Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic procedure that increases the size of the breasts using implants. Good candidates are healthy women who want to achieve one or more of the following goals:

  • Increasing the size of naturally small breasts.
  • Restoring volume to breasts that became smaller after pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight loss.
  • Correcting asymmetry between breasts of different sizes.
  • Making breasts more proportional to the rest of the body.

What Is Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Breast enhancement surgery can be performed through a tiny incision, leaving an inconspicuous scar. Most women experience a quick and uneventful recovery with relatively little disruption to their lives. Patients have more options than ever before in terms of implant selection and surgical techniques.

Are Saline or Silicone Gel Breast Implants Best?

Our plastic surgeons offer Denver women both saline and the latest silicone gel breast implants; both types are safe and each device has advantages and drawbacks. Silicone gel implants are FDA approved and look and feel extremely natural. There are several types of cohesive silicone implants available, including the form-stable silicone or “gummy bear” implants. When silicone implants rupture, the semi-solid gel material does not leak throughout the body but rather is maintained within the body’s naturally created capsule that forms around the implants.

Breast Implant Options

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Incision Options

Four incision options exist:

  • Inframammary (breast crease)
  • Periareolar (along the border of the areola)
  • Transaxillary (armpit)
  • Transumbilical (TUBA)

The inframammary incision is the most frequently chosen approach. There are many advantages to this location. The resulting scar hides well in the breast crease and is inconspicuous after it fades. The inframammary approach provides an extremely reliable, safe means of accurately inserting implants. It allows for tunneling behind the breast to get to the muscle while only minimally disrupting the milk ducts.


The tunnel made for implant insertion from the breast crease incision goes beneath the breast tissue, causing minimal disruption of the milk ducts. At The Center for Cosmetic Surgery, our plastic surgeons believe that tunneling behind the breast rather than through it reduces the risk of infection and capsular contraction, which may require revision surgery.

Implant Placement

breast implant placement

Breast implants can be placed subpectoral (beneath the pectoralis muscle) or subglandular (in front of the pectoralis muscle). There are several advantages to placing the implants beneath the muscle:

  • The extra coverage of the implant in the upper portion of the breasts assists in achieving a more natural contour and appearance.
  • Visible rippling in the upper pole of the breast is significantly reduced.
  • Implant palpability is less likely with implants positioned behind the muscle.
  • There is maximal preservation of the nerves that supply nipple sensation.
  • There is evidence that capsular contraction (heavy scar tissue forming around the implant) is reduced.
  • There is less interference with mammography because the implant is partially separated from the breast tissue by the muscle.

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How Is Breast Augmentation Performed?

A breast augmentation takes about one hour to perform. The pockets for the implants are delicately and precisely created behind the natural breast position. Then, the implants are placed, and the small tunnel and skin are sutured closed. Even with the most meticulous methods used, the surgery does not require more than one hour to complete.

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Dr. Paul Steinwald at The Center for Cosmetic Surgery in Golden is nothing short of exceptional. From...
Absolutely love everyone at this center. Very professional and made me feel really good about my decision....
Excellent care - service and result. Dr Vath is awesome
I had top surgery with Dr Steinwald four weeks ago, and was highly impressed with The Center for Cosmetic...

How Much Does Breast Augmentation Surgery Cost Near Denver?

The cost for breast augmentation procedures at our Denver practice depends on a variety of factors, including:

  • Choice of breast implants
  • Surgical technique
  • Whether it is combined with other procedures

You will be provided with a personalized estimate for your procedure when you come in for your consultation with one of our plastic surgeons. Our financing options can be helpful for qualified patients if desired.

Can I Get a Nipple or Areola Reduction as Part of My Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Absolutely. Because the nipples and/or areolas often become stretched and enlarged with pregnancy, breastfeeding, and weight gain, many women have them reshaped during their breast enhancement surgery. The breast augmentation incisions can be placed along the edge of the areolas where the resulting scars are inconspicuous. Learn more about incision placement in this blog post.

Breast Augmentation With Fat Transfer

There are practices that offer breast augmentation with fat transfer instead of breast implants; however, our plastic surgeons do not use this technique because they believe the results are too unpredictable (for reasons such as unevenness, fat necrosis, and the need for additional surgeries). They may use fat grafting to add upper breast fullness in addition to implants.

Breast Augmentation vs Breast Lift

Women who want larger breasts but don’t have any sagging are good candidates for breast implants. Women who have sagging but don’t want a boost in size are good candidates for a breast lift. Many women can benefit from both procedures. We make a recommendation for you after a thorough evaluation.

What Is Breast Augmentation Recovery Like?

Many patients find that recovering after breast augmentation is faster than they expected. Most of the discomfort comes from having implants placed behind the chest muscle, but the soreness is managed well with pain medication during the first couple of days. Most people no longer need pain medication within 1 to 5 days.

Even though healing after breast augmentation surgery is different for each patient, here is what you can generally expect during your recovery:

  • First 24 hours post-op: You may experience soreness, fatigue, nausea, tightness in your chest, and oversensitivity or a loss of sensitivity in the breasts. You may also notice swelling and bruising, which resolves on its own.
  • 5 to 7 days post-op: By the end of the first week of recovery, you’ll likely feel fairly normal and may return to work if it isn’t physically strenuous. You can also resume driving and other activities that don’t require physical exertion. It’s important to follow the post-op instructions your surgeon provides.
  • 2 to 4 weeks post-op: At this point, your breasts will begin settling into place and you’ll feel little to no discomfort. You should continue wearing a surgical bra for the first month after surgery. Light exercise that doesn’t involve your upper body is also permitted.
  • 4 to 6 weeks post-op: You should feel back to normal, gradually resuming more strenuous exercises. You won’t notice any swelling or bruising, and your breasts will continue to look more natural.

Again, this is a general timeline; your specific experience may be different. We encourage patients to contact us if they have questions during recovery.

Things To Avoid After Your Breast Enhancement Surgery

Set yourself up for a smooth recovery by following your surgeon’s instructions, avoiding certain activities, and temporarily changing a few simple habits. These changes include:

How To Sleep

Don’t lie flat on your back following your procedure. It’s best to keep your body elevated and avoid sleeping on your side or stomach in the weeks following surgery. The first week or so after your breast augmentation, rest in a recliner or prop yourself up with pillows to minimize swelling and pressure on the breasts. After this initial recovery period, most patients are cleared to resume sleeping on their sides if they find that position more comfortable.

Bathing & Swimming

Your incision should be kept clean and dry following surgery. Be careful when taking a shower and avoid swimming until your incision has healed, which is usually about 3 weeks or so after surgery.

Bras To Avoid

It’s important for your breasts to be supported properly in the weeks following breast augmentation. For the first 6 weeks, we recommend avoiding any bras with underwire as they can irritate your incision. Pushup bras are also discouraged since they can affect implant placement during the healing process. We suggest you wear a medical-grade bra that supports your breasts as they heal. These bras generally close in the front, allowing for easier access while you are sore and healing.

Exercise After Surgery

Avoid weightlifting or chest exercises such as pushups until you’re fully healed. After 2 weeks, you can usually begin light cardiovascular activity, but listen to your body. If something doesn’t feel right, stop the activity and back off for a while. Other strenuous exercises should be avoided for about a month after your procedure. You’ll get back to all your pre-surgery activities eventually, but the timing to get there varies from person to person.

When Will I See My Final Results?

The aesthetic recovery can be an evolution. Some patients’ breasts look terrific and natural directly after surgery, while others need some time for the lower pole breast skin to relax and allow the implants to drop into a more natural position. This can vary from a few weeks to even a couple of months. Either way, the breasts will look great in clothes, a dress, or even a bikini right after surgery.

Will I Have Scars After Breast Augmentation?

Our surgeons make precise, fine-line incisions in the most inconspicuous locations possible, but the resulting scars can take up to 2 years to fade completely. At The Center for Cosmetic Surgery, our surgeons perform any scar revisions at no cost in the rare event it is helpful in achieving an improved, thinner, flatter scar appearance. The color of a scar is determined by the individual genetics of the patient, and only time can allow for fading of this color. Scars creams and topical therapies such as silicone sheeting can help reduce the thickness of a hypertrophic or keloid scar, but these products actually offer no long-term benefit in normal scar appearance as compared with time.

Can a Breast Augmentation Be Combined With Other Procedures?

Yes, breast augmentation can be easily performed alongside other popular treatments. Many women add a breast lift to their augmentation to perk up droopy breasts and remove loose, saggy skin. Many of our patients combine breast augmentation with liposuction and tummy tuck surgery as part of a mommy makeover treatment plan. Our knowledgeable staff will guide you through your options and let you know if another surgery would complement your goals.

Breast Augmentation Revision Surgery

Even though the vast majority of women who get breast augmentation are happy with their results—actual patients give it a 97% “worth it” rating on the RealSelf website—breast revision surgery is a procedure women get for various reasons. Breast revision surgery is more complicated than primary breast augmentation primarily because of the presence of scar tissue that forms around the implants.

The reasons women undergo breast revision surgery include:

  • Implants wear out: Breast implants can last for 10, 15, or even 20 years. At some point, however, you’ll need to either replace or remove your implants.
  • Change implant type: You may want to replace saline implants with cohesive silicone gel implants that may not have been available when you underwent breast augmentation surgery. Or you may want to upgrade saline implants for a newer generation of implants.
  • Change implant size: Women are starting to downsize their implants. Other patients want to increase their implant size, feeling like they went too small during their initial surgery.
  • Complications: Breast augmentation complications are relatively uncommon, but they can happen. You can either exchange or remove implants if you experience a complication.
  • Illness: Some patients believe implants are the cause of symptoms such as fatigue, hair loss, joint pain, and brain fog, among others, that fall under the umbrella term breast implant illness (BII).
  • Elective explant surgery: Some women decide they don’t want breast implants and choose to have them removed.


What type of breast implant is right for me?

As cosmetic medicine has advanced in recent years, the number of breast implant options has grown. For many women, the first in a series of many breast implant decisions is whether to choose saline, silicone gel, or highly cohesive silicone gel (gummy bear) implants. Learn more.

How do I choose my breast implant size?

The right breast implant size for you depends on numerous factors, not just desired cup size. Our plastic surgeons take precise measurements and share their experience and wisdom to help determine your ideal implant size. We also use 3-D imaging to show you how different sizes may look. Learn more.

How do I best determine which breast implant profile and shape are best for me?

Some of our breast augmentation patients want subtle, discreet results. Others would like a dramatic transformation and more cleavage. We offer different implant shape options to accommodate each woman’s goals. We also have several options for implant profile, meaning how far the implant projects from the body in relation to the width of its base. Learn more.

Which breast augmentation incision option is best for me?

Most of our breast augmentation patients choose 1 of these 2 incisions: the inframammary incision in the crease beneath the breast or the periareolar incision along the lower border of the areola. Both provide excellent access and leave discreet scars. We discuss the pros and cons of each to help you decide. Learn more.

Should my breast implants be placed behind or in front of the muscle?

We generally recommend that breast implants be placed behind the muscle for a number of reasons, including the natural look and feel this approach creates. Learn more.

How long will it take for my implants to soften?

It can take as little as a few weeks and up to a few months for the breasts to soften and feel more natural after breast augmentation. It takes time for swelling to dissipate and the breast skin and chest muscles (with subpectoral placement) to stretch and relax.

How long will my chest feel tight after a breast augmentation?

Tightness is normal after breast augmentation, especially when the implants are placed under the chest muscles. It usually eases up within the first month but may take a few months to go away completely. If the tightness causes discomfort, call our office so we can rule out any complications. 

How should I prepare for my breast augmentation surgery?

From picking up your prescriptions early to restricting eating the night before surgery, our list of detailed instructions makes it easy for you to prepare for your upcoming procedure. Learn more.

What kind of bra should I wear after my breast augmentation?

Wear a soft, expandable bra the first few weeks after your breast augmentation. Avoid any bras with underwire or excessive padding as they may press on your implants and disrupt the healing process. Many women wear surgical bras for around 1 month after surgery. Most models come with adjustable straps and close with a front zipper, allowing you to get changed with ease.

When should I start massaging my chest after breast augmentation?

Wait until your incisions have healed before beginning your daily breast implant massages. Most patients can comfortably massage the chest area around 1 week after surgery.

How soon after surgery will I see my breast augmentation results?

You’ll be surprised how quickly you begin enjoying your results. Your own recovery timeline will be unique based on your body and the details of your procedure, but you can use our guide to learn what you can generally expect. Learn more.

How many years does a breast augmentation last?

The best answer to this question is that breast augmentation results last as long as you’re happy with the appearance of your breasts and your implants remain intact. Practically speaking, implants typically last anywhere from 10 to 20 years.

Can you go braless after breast augmentation surgery?

You should wear a supportive bra during the first 6 weeks after breast augmentation. Not wearing a bra after that is up to you, but going braless can accelerate breast sagging.

Is breast augmentation surgery painful?

Breast augmentation is performed with the patient under general anesthesia, so you won’t experience any discomfort during the procedure. You can expect to be sore during the first few days of the recovery. Prescription pain medication helps manage the pain quite well and most patients no longer need the medication within 5 days of surgery.

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Just the Facts About Breast Augmentation

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about breast augmentation, but these 4 key facts should help you get past the hype.

1) FACT: Breast implants do not improve the shape of sagging breasts.

When needed, a breast lift avoids an ugly, fake shape and creates a much more natural appearance. Breast augmentation surgery will fill out breasts without changing their position. If the breasts sag below the creases, implants will not rotate them upward into an attractive position. Rather, they will fill out the upper poles, leaving the remainder of the unlifted breasts sagging off the implants and creating an unattractive, misshapen appearance.

When necessary, a breast lift, or mastopexy, will tilt the sagging breasts upward into a perky position and create a much more natural contour along with the implants.

2) FACT: Silicone gel implants are not dangerous.

They do not leak around the body and do not cause medical illness or disease. Silicone gel implants are made of a cohesive gel that is semi-solid and does not leak throughout the body if the shell breaks. Despite their temporary ban by the FDA, silicone implants have never caused autoimmune illnesses as was claimed in many lawsuits. They have definitively been proven safe, hence, were reapproved in 2006 for everyone’s use. Gel implants have 3 main advantages over saline implants:

  • Softer, more natural feel
  • Less rippling or wrinkling
  • Lower risk of rupture

3) FACT: Round implants achieve a natural contour.

They do not inherently create a fake, “boob-job” appearance. Teardrop-shaped implants usually do not create a more natural shape.

There are essentially 2 implant shapes available: round and contoured (teardrop). Round implants are most popular; however, contoured implants may be a good option for some women. When a woman is standing upright, round implants take on a natural teardrop breast contour, and their shape changes with positional movement as natural breast tissue would. When they rotate, there is no problem with distorting the breast shape. Contoured implants were created in an attempt to provide a more natural-looking alternative to round implants, but most evidence does not support this assertion. These implants can be helpful for women with small breasts and very tight skin. Contoured implants are manufactured with a textured surface to help resist rotation. Nonetheless, these implants can spin, causing breast distortion and occasionally the need for surgical correction.

4) FACT: Breast massage after surgery may reduce capsular contraction.

The purpose of massage is not to improve breast shape during the recovery. Capsular contraction is when the capsule that your body forms around the implant becomes thick and heavily scarred. This is not dangerous to you but can cause the breast to become tight, hard, and unattractive. Evidence supports breast expansion exercises (massage) after surgery to decrease the tendency toward capsular contraction. Additionally, submuscular implant placement can reduce the incidence of contracture.

Our Exceptional Plastic Surgeons

Dr. Steven Vath, Dr. Andrew Wolfe, Dr. Paul Steinwald, and Dr. Matthew Freeman

5 Keys to Successful Results

Our surgeons have recognized a few factors that successful breast augmentation surgeries have in common. These are among their top priorities when they begin any new case.

1) The implants are placed precisely behind the natural breast position.

Each plastic surgery procedure has 1 critical pearl that is essential to creating the most natural, attractive result: The implants must be placed precisely and accurately behind the natural breast position. This may seem obvious, but it is not uncommon for women to hope breast augmentation will give them someone else’s breasts. This is not the case. The breast crease, or inframammary fold, determines where the breasts naturally reside on a woman’s chest, and this should rarely be manipulated. This crease determines the space between the breasts and their inherent shape that is not fundamentally altered during augmentation, but merely enhanced. When reviewing before-and-after photos it quickly becomes clear that post-augmentation pictures have an undeniable similarity to the pre-surgery photos. This is the key to creating the most natural, attractive breast enhancement.

All too often, this basic premise is not followed. Common mistakes include:

  • Dividing the pectoralis muscle attachments to the sternum, which can centralize the implants and create fake-looking, circular cleavage
  • Over-dissecting the pocket laterally (to the sides), causing the implants to move too far apart
  • Disrupting the inframammary folds (breast creases), which can cause bottoming out or a “double-bubble” deformity
  • Inserting an implant diameter or profile that does not match the patient’s breast width

2) The implants are placed behind the pectoralis muscle.

Placing breast implants into a subpectoral (behind the pectoralis muscle) position generally achieves a more natural-looking, teardrop, sloping breast contour with less implant rippling and palpability in the upper pole. In some patients, subglandular (above the muscle) placement can lead to a fake, circular appearance due to less tissue coverage in the upper pole.

3) The implant diameter matches your natural breast diameter.

The best breast implant choices for each woman are those that have a diameter that matches the full width of her natural breast base. Implants that are too narrow fail to take full advantage of the breast width and fall short of creating the best shape possible. Implants that are overly wide extend too far to the side and detract from the overall breast aesthetics.

4) The scar is hidden and inconspicuous.

The scars from breast augmentation should be nicely hidden. The inframammary scar should be placed within or slightly above the breast crease so that it is covered by a bra or bikini. Over time, once faded, scars should be imperceptible naked. Alternatively, if the periareolar scars are chosen, they should hide nicely at the precise edges of the areolae so the eye does not pick them up.

5) A breast lift is performed when necessary.

Breast implants do not lift breasts, nor do they help “hold up” breasts undergoing a lifting procedure. Implants will create larger breasts and fill deflated upper poles. A breast lift serves the purpose of improving the shape of sagging breasts. If a woman needs a breast lift and only has implants, the results will suffer considerably. It is critical that a mastopexy is performed when indicated to create beautiful breasts.

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